Caixa de VidroO Diabo
Walk On ByParadise (Remixes)
Last Temptation Of Wolf (ProdBy Unknown)Sad Songs 4 Happy People
ThumbprintWhen It Rains / Thumbprint
Around the World In Eighty DaysTime Machine - Anthology 1970-1977
SuicideTime Machine - Anthology 1970-1977
Down Down DownTime Machine - Anthology 1970-1977
Percy the PimpTime Machine - Anthology 1970-1977
AkumaO Diabo
Rosa BravaO Diabo
The BlameThe Blame
QueenParadise (Remixes)
Intro(ProdBy Unknown)Sad Songs 4 Happy People
Time MachineTime Machine - Anthology 1970-1977
Son of the FatherTime Machine - Anthology 1970-1977
Move That WigwamTime Machine - Anthology 1970-1977
HallelujahTime Machine - Anthology 1970-1977
Give It UpTime Machine - Anthology 1970-1977
Without UParadise (Remixes)
Our SongTime Machine - Anthology 1970-1977
Oil Fumes and Sea AirTime Machine - Anthology 1970-1977
Somebody Called YouTime Machine - Anthology 1970-1977
Buying TimeTime Machine - Anthology 1970-1977
VinhoO Diabo