Sir David Willcocks的歌曲列表
O Little Town Of BethlehemClassical Christmas
TorchesClassical Christmas
Pavane, Op.50 (orch. version, 1887) (1997 - Remaster)100 Best Relaxing Classics
Meet The Parents - Cantata No. 147, Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring100 Best Film Classics
Five Variants of Dives and LazarusThe Essential Vaughan Williams
Hodie - A Christmas Cantata:V. Choral: The blessed son of GodThe Essential Vaughan Williams
Pavane, Op.50 (orch. version, 1887) (1997 - Remaster)The Most Relaxing Classical Album in The World....Ever!
Once in Royal David's City (from "Hymns and Carols of Christmas")100 Best Carols
Personent hodie (Christmas Carol from "Piae Cantiones")100 Best Carols
Gloria in D R.589:Laudamus TeGloria in D, R.589
Mass in D Minor - Missa in angustiis ("Nelson Mass") Hob. XXII:11:Agnus Dei: Agnus Dei qui tollisGloria in D, R.589
Gloria in D R.589:Domine DeusGloria in D, R.589
Gloria in D R.589:Domine Deus Agnus DeiGloria in D, R.589
Gloria in D R.589:Qui sedes ad dexteramGloria in D, R.589
Mass in D Minor - Missa in angustiis ("Nelson Mass") Hob. XXII:11:Agnus Dei: Agnus Dei qui tollisMissa in angustiis "Nelson Mass", Hob. XXII:11 in D minor (7 CDs)
Fantasia On Christmas CarolsChristmas Classical
Coventry CarolChristmas Classical
God rest ye merry, gentlemenThe Christmas Spirit
Star Carol101 Christmas (6 CDs)
Fanfare followed by O Come all ye faithful (Anon.) - Arr. Sir David WillcocksFestliche Bläsermusik - Christmas Goes Brass
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing - FanfareClassical Christmas Songs
Ding Dong! Merrily on HighClassical Christmas Songs
Sussex Carol (On Christmas Night)Classical Christmas Songs
Hush! My Dear, Lie Still and SlumberClassical Christmas Songs