Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge的歌曲列表
Ecce adest: AlleluiaCohors Leta Ducat Chorum
Rex virginum amator: KyrieCohors Leta Ducat Chorum
Propter veritatem / O Maria: GradualCohors Leta Ducat Chorum
Boen crestien / Lectio libri sapientiae: EpistleCohors Leta Ducat Chorum
Virgines egregie: SequenceCohors Leta Ducat Chorum
GloriaChristmas in Royal Anglo-Saxon Winchester: 10th Century Chant from the Winchester Troper
GradualChristmas in Royal Anglo-Saxon Winchester: 10th Century Chant from the Winchester Troper
AlleluiaChristmas in Royal Anglo-Saxon Winchester: 10th Century Chant from the Winchester Troper
SequenceChristmas in Royal Anglo-Saxon Winchester: 10th Century Chant from the Winchester Troper
OffertoryChristmas in Royal Anglo-Saxon Winchester: 10th Century Chant from the Winchester Troper
SanctusChristmas in Royal Anglo-Saxon Winchester: 10th Century Chant from the Winchester Troper
Parit preter morem: ConductusCohors Leta Ducat Chorum
Agnus DeiChristmas in Royal Anglo-Saxon Winchester: 10th Century Chant from the Winchester Troper
CommunionChristmas in Royal Anglo-Saxon Winchester: 10th Century Chant from the Winchester Troper
InvitatoryChristmas in Royal Anglo-Saxon Winchester: 10th Century Chant from the Winchester Troper
Deus in adjutorium dum esset rex, Psalm 110 (109)Dupré: Les vêpres de la Vierge, Op. 18