Rodion Shchedrin的歌曲列表
Dead Souls, Act I: Road "Ey, vy, lyubeznye moi"Shchedrin: Dead Souls
Dead Souls, Act I: Korobochka "Oh, batyushki beda"Shchedrin: Dead Souls
Dead Souls, Act I: Introduction "Ne bely snegi"Shchedrin: Dead Souls
Dead Souls, Act I: Songs "Ty polyn', polynechka trava"Shchedrin: Dead Souls
Dead Souls, Act I: Nozdryov "Ba, ba, ba!.. A ya, brat, s yarmarki"Shchedrin: Dead Souls
Dead Souls, Act II: Sobakevich "Tolkuyut: prosveschen'ye"Shchedrin: Dead Souls
Dead Souls, Act I: Coachman Selifan "Kamenny palaty zabelelisya"Shchedrin: Dead Souls
Dead Souls, Act III: Introduction to the Song "Ne bely snegi"Shchedrin: Dead Souls
Dead Souls, Act I: Manilov "Mayskiy den' ... Imeniny serdtsa ..."Shchedrin: Dead Souls
Dead Souls, Act I: Lunch at the Procurator’s "Vivat, Pavel Ivanovich"Shchedrin: Dead Souls
Dead Souls, Act II: Soldier’s Wife’s Lament "Poraztron'tisya, lyudi dobryya"Shchedrin: Dead Souls
Dead Souls, Act II: Plyushkin "Poslushay, matushka, chto barin..."Shchedrin: Dead Souls
Dead Souls, Act I: Shiben "Ey, Selifan"Shchedrin: Dead Souls
Dead Souls, Act II: Governor’s Ball "Konechno, da, konechno, eto tak"Shchedrin: Dead Souls
Dead Souls, Act III: Rumors in the Town "Chto za pricha"Shchedrin: Dead Souls
Dead Souls, Act III: Service of Prosecutor's Burial "Upokoy, Gospodi, dushu"Shchedrin: Dead Souls
* new work name: Act I, Ball-MazurkaShchedrin: Anna Karenina
Dead Souls, Act III: Scene and Finale "Ba, ba, ba! Vse v gorode protiv"Shchedrin: Dead Souls
* new work name: Act I, Anna's Dance With Four PartnersShchedrin: Anna Karenina
Dead Souls, Act III: Two Ladies "Sofya Ivanovna!..."Shchedrin: Dead Souls
Anna Karenina - Lyrical Scenes Ballet in 3 Acts: Act I, PrologueShchedrin: Anna Karenina
* new work name: Act I, Bologoe. Snow StormShchedrin: Anna Karenina
* new work name: Act I, PetersburgShchedrin: Anna Karenina
The Sealed Angel: VIII. Hallowed Be Thy NameAnthology of Russian Sacred Music