Michael CallenIn Four Color: Music for String Quartet
Uncloudy DayIn Four Color: Music for String Quartet
Epistrophy: I. EpisPubliquartet
Regina caeli laetare Alleluia (from PUBLIQuartet's Sancta Femina: Mind The Gap)Freedom and Faith
Blackbird (from PUBLIQuartet's Nina!: Mind The Gap)Freedom and Faith
Mississippi Goddam (from PUBLIQuartet's Nina!: Mind The Gap)Freedom and Faith
MiddlegroundFreedom and Faith
String Quartet No. 1 "The Impossible": IV. For His Bad Self (1987)In Four Color: Music for String Quartet
String Quartet No. 2, "Bambaataa Variations": I. His Legs Wobble (1992)In Four Color: Music for String Quartet
String Quartet No. 3, "The Essential": II. Fractal Variation, "Benoit Meets Arnold in 5 Dimensions" (2011)In Four Color: Music for String Quartet
String Quartet No. 3, "The Essential": III. Fourier Transformations (2011)In Four Color: Music for String Quartet
String Quartet No. 3, "The Essential": IV. Integral (2011)In Four Color: Music for String Quartet
String Quartet No. 3, "The Essential": V. 1st Derivative (2011)In Four Color: Music for String Quartet
Three Delta Blues: I. Moon Goin' DownIn Four Color: Music for String Quartet
Sojourner TruthIn Four Color: Music for String Quartet
Here Comes the KingIn Four Color: Music for String Quartet
In TimeIn Four Color: Music for String Quartet
Boogie On Party PeopleIn Four Color: Music for String Quartet
Cypress GroveIn Four Color: Music for String Quartet
Get Into the Now: III. Go Big or Go HomeFreedom and Faith
Young Gifted and Black (from PUBLIQuartet's Nina!: Mind The Gap)Freedom and Faith
String Quartet No. 1 "The Impossible": III. Ron Visits the Polymer Lounge (1987)In Four Color: Music for String Quartet
String Quartet No. 1 "The Impossible": V. She Put My Head Under the WaterIn Four Color: Music for String Quartet
String Quartet No. 2, "Bambaataa Variations": IV. Mudhead from Planet XYY (1992)In Four Color: Music for String Quartet