Poul Elming的歌曲列表
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act I: Stolte riddere, skjonne fruer! (Proud knights, beautiful ladies!) (Rane, Courtiers, Aase)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act I: Se, hvor himlens skyer rode (See how the clouds have reddened) (King Erik, Ingeborg, Rane, Courtiers)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act II: Der sprang hans sorte ganger! (That is his black charger) (Ingeborg, Marshal's men)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act II: Til tings! (To the Council!) (The People, Count Jacob and Retinue, Jens Grand and Retinue)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act II: Jeg skjotter ej om kongens gods og guld! (I have no time for royal gifts or gold!) (Marshal, Count Jakob, Rane, King Erik, Jens Grand, People …)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act IV: Nej, ingen ojnes! (No, nobody in sight!) (Arved Bengtsen, Count Jakob, Conspirators, Marshal)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act IV: Jeg beder for hver en vejfarende sjael (I pray for all wandering souls) (Aase)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act I: OvertureHEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act I: Det var sig humleranken (Upwards crept the tendrils) (Aase)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act I: Ah! Bliv mig fra livet, Jorgen! (Ah! Let me go, Jorgen!) (Aase, Rane)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act I: Ha, Rane. Du vil jage pa egen hand! (Ho, Rane! You have hunted alone all day!) (King Erik, Aase, Rane)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act I: Du lader vente pa dig, vakre pige! (You kept me waiting, pretty maid!) (King Erik, Aase)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act I: Jeg kan mig slet ikke kjende (I hardly recognise myself) (Aase, King Erik, Rane)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act I: Vel modt, marsk Stig! (Welcome, Marshal Stig!) (King Erik, Marshal, Ingeborg, Aase, Rane, Courtiers)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act I: Aldrig sa jeg slig en due (A dove like this I have never seen before) (King Erik, Ingeborg)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act I: Kun pa hende kongen stirrer (The King has eyes for her alone now) (Aase, Ingeborg, King Erik)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act II: Hvor er fru Ingeborg? (Where is Lady Ingeborg?) (Marshal, Ingeborg)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act II: For tinget saetes (Before the Council sits) (Herald, Jens Grand, King Erik, Marshal)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act IV: Ingeborg, min sjael, mit hjerte! (Ingeborg, my soul, my heart!) (Marshal)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act IV: Hvor er hun? (Where is she?) (King Erik, Rane)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act IV: Ve! De red samme vej som munkene (Alas! They rode the same way as the monks) (Aase)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act IV: Her kan vi overnatte, herre (Here we can spend the night, sire) (Rane, King Erik, Ingeborg's Ghost)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act I: Op alle mand! (Up on your feet, everyone!) (Young men, Maids)HEISE: King and Marshal
Drot og Marsk (King and Marshal):Act I: I din sans … (I shall steel myself) (King Erik, Aase)HEISE: King and Marshal