Philip Glass的歌曲列表
Act I - Scene 13Waiting for the Barbarians (An Opera)
Act I - Scene 14Waiting for the Barbarians (An Opera)
ACT II - Scene 1Waiting for the Barbarians (An Opera)
ACT II - Scene 2Waiting for the Barbarians (An Opera)
ACT II - Scene 3Waiting for the Barbarians (An Opera)
ACT II - Prologue to Scene 4Waiting for the Barbarians (An Opera)
ACT II - Scene 4Waiting for the Barbarians (An Opera)
ACT II - Scene 5Waiting for the Barbarians (An Opera)
ACT II - Scene 6Waiting for the Barbarians (An Opera)
ACT II - Scene 7Waiting for the Barbarians (An Opera)
ACT II - Scene 8Waiting for the Barbarians (An Opera)
ACT II - Scene 9Waiting for the Barbarians (An Opera)
ACT II - Scene 10Waiting for the Barbarians (An Opera)
JenipapoJenipapo (From the Philip Glass Recording Archive Vol. III, film scores)
Coleman's ThemeJenipapo (From the Philip Glass Recording Archive Vol. III, film scores)
Political ConnectionsJenipapo (From the Philip Glass Recording Archive Vol. III, film scores)
Father Stephen LewisJenipapo (From the Philip Glass Recording Archive Vol. III, film scores)
DisappearanceJenipapo (From the Philip Glass Recording Archive Vol. III, film scores)
Land-GrabJenipapo (From the Philip Glass Recording Archive Vol. III, film scores)
Remaining Silent NowJenipapo (From the Philip Glass Recording Archive Vol. III, film scores)
Connected PoliticallyJenipapo (From the Philip Glass Recording Archive Vol. III, film scores)
Coleman's DilemmaJenipapo (From the Philip Glass Recording Archive Vol. III, film scores)
The Reclamation BillJenipapo (From the Philip Glass Recording Archive Vol. III, film scores)
JournalismJenipapo (From the Philip Glass Recording Archive Vol. III, film scores)