Pat Metheny的歌曲列表
Fleurette Africaine (Little African Flower)Quartet Live!
Hullo, BolinasQuartet Live!
SyndromeQuartet Live!
Question and AnswerQuartet Live!
Phase danceUnity Village
MissouriUnity Village
JacoUnity Village
SolarQuestion and Answer
Old FolksQuestion and Answer
Three Flights UpQuestion and Answer
CichyZapada Zmrok (Here Comes the Silent Dusk)Upojenie
Mania Mienia (So May It May Secretly Begin)Upojenie
Biel (Whiteness)Upojenie
Przyplyw, Odplyw, Oddech Czasu...(Tell Her You Saw Me)Upojenie
Are You Going With Me?Upojenie
Czarne Slowa (Black Words)Upojenie
Lulajze Jezuniu (Polish Christmas Carol)Upojenie
Upojenie (Ecstasy)Upojenie
Zupelnie Inna Ja (Always and Forever)Upojenie
Piosenka Dla Stasia (A Song for Stas)Upojenie
Letter from HomeUpojenie
Me Jedyne Niebo (Another Life)Upojenie
By On Byl Tu (Farmer's Trust)Upojenie
Polskie Drogi (Polish Paths)Upojenie