Ottorino Respighi的歌曲列表
Pines of Rome: II. Pines Near a CatacombRespighi: Pines of Rome & Fountains of Rome
Fountains of Rome: I. The Fountain of Valle Giulia at DawnRespighi: Pines of Rome & Fountains of Rome
Pines of Rome: The Pines of Villa Borghese (I pini di Villa Borghese)Respighi: The Pines of Rome; The Fountains of Rome; Roman Festivals
The Fountains of Rome: I. The Fountain of the Valle Giulia at DawnRespighi: The Fountains of Rome & The Pines of Rome
The Fountains of Rome: II. The Triton FountainRespighi: The Fountains of Rome & The Pines of Rome
Pines of Rome: III. Pines of the JaniculumRespighi: Pines of Rome & Fountains of Rome
Fountains of Rome: III. The Trevi Fountain at NoonRespighi: Pines of Rome & Fountains of Rome
Fountains of Rome: IV. The Villa Medici Fountain at SunsetRespighi: Pines of Rome & Fountains of Rome
The Fountains of Rome: III. The Fountain of Trevi at Mid-dayRespighi: The Fountains of Rome & The Pines of Rome
The Pines of Rome: IV. The Pines of the Appian WayRespighi: The Fountains of Rome & The Pines of Rome
Roman Festivals: 1. CircensesRespighi: The Pines of Rome; The Fountains of Rome; Roman Festivals
Roman Festivals: 4. La BefanaRespighi: The Pines of Rome; The Fountains of Rome; Roman Festivals
Fountains of Rome: The Fountain of Trevi (La fontana di Trevi al meriggio)Respighi: The Pines of Rome; The Fountains of Rome; Roman Festivals
Pines of Rome: The Pines of the Appian Way (I pini della Via Appia)Respighi: The Pines of Rome; The Fountains of Rome; Roman Festivals
Fountains of Rome: The Fountain of Valle Giulia (La fontana di Valle Giulia all'alba)Respighi: The Pines of Rome; The Fountains of Rome; Roman Festivals
Trittico botticelliano, P. 151: III. La nascita di VenereCalm Concentration Classics
The Pines of Rome: I. The Pines of the Villa BorgheseRespighi: The Fountains of Rome & The Pines of Rome
The Pines of Rome: III. The Pines of the JaniculumRespighi: The Fountains of Rome & The Pines of Rome
Pines of Rome: The Pines near a Catacomb (Pini presso una catacomba)Respighi: The Pines of Rome; The Fountains of Rome; Roman Festivals
Roman Festivals: 3. L'OttobrataRespighi: The Pines of Rome; The Fountains of Rome; Roman Festivals
Fountains of Rome: The Triton Fountain (La fontana di Tritone al mattino)Respighi: The Pines of Rome; The Fountains of Rome; Roman Festivals
The Fountains of Rome: IV. The Fountain of the Villa Medici at SunsetRespighi: The Fountains of Rome & The Pines of Rome
Pines of Rome: The Pines of the Janiculum (I pini del Gianicolo)Respighi: The Pines of Rome; The Fountains of Rome; Roman Festivals
Fountains of Rome: The Villa Medici Fountain (La fontana di Villa Medici al tramonto)Respighi: The Pines of Rome; The Fountains of Rome; Roman Festivals