Tell HerKid Chrome
On FireKid Chrome
FlexKid Chrome
Super HotKid Chrome
Kitsch InKitsch In
Destroy All HumansDestroy All Humans EP
Rubber BandsDestroy All Humans EP
Snap Ya NeckDestroy All Humans EP
FuccaVIPDestroy All Humans EP
FuccapopVaporRave EP
WippitVaporRave EP
Wippit (Aweminus Remix)VaporRave EP
Playa (Hydraulix and Oski Remix)Playa
100 Shot FlowThe Best EP
Senses (feat. King Space)The Best EP
The BestThe Best EP
Horns (feat. Command Q)The Best EP
In CheckIn Check
Lose ItKid Calamity
ShadowsKid Calamity
TitanVaporRave EP
Super HotAll Trap Music, Vol. 5