Nova Schola Gregoriana的歌曲列表
Introitus: Adorate DeumAdorate Deum / Gregorian Chant from the Proper of the Mass
Versus Alleluiatici: AdoraboDiscover Early Music
Introitus:Introitus: Adorate DeumDISCOVER THE CLASSICS, VOL. 1
Missa orbis factor (Credo)Messe Gregoriane (De Angelis, Cum Iubilo, Orbis Factor, Cunctipotens Genitor Deus)
Introitus: Dominus illuminatio meaAdorate Deum / Gregorian Chant from the Proper of the Mass
Introitus: Da pacemAdorate Deum / Gregorian Chant from the Proper of the Mass
Introitus: Laetetur corAdorate Deum / Gregorian Chant from the Proper of the Mass
Gradualia: DirigaturAdorate Deum / Gregorian Chant from the Proper of the Mass
Gradualia: Domine, Dominus nosterAdorate Deum / Gregorian Chant from the Proper of the Mass
Gradualia: Iacta cogitatum tuumAdorate Deum / Gregorian Chant from the Proper of the Mass
Gradualia: Laetatus sumAdorate Deum / Gregorian Chant from the Proper of the Mass
Versus Alleluiatici: AdoraboAdorate Deum / Gregorian Chant from the Proper of the Mass
Versus Alleluiatici: De profundisAdorate Deum / Gregorian Chant from the Proper of the Mass
Versus Alleluiatici: Deus, iudex iustusAdorate Deum / Gregorian Chant from the Proper of the Mass
Versus Alleluiatici: Laudate DeumAdorate Deum / Gregorian Chant from the Proper of the Mass
Offertoria: De profundisAdorate Deum / Gregorian Chant from the Proper of the Mass
Communiones: Qui manducatAdorate Deum / Gregorian Chant from the Proper of the Mass
Offertoria: Iubilate Deo universa terraAdorate Deum / Gregorian Chant from the Proper of the Mass
Offertoria: Domine, convertereAdorate Deum / Gregorian Chant from the Proper of the Mass
Communiones: CircuiboAdorate Deum / Gregorian Chant from the Proper of the Mass
Offertoria: Iustitiae DominiAdorate Deum / Gregorian Chant from the Proper of the Mass
Communiones: Dominus firmamentum meumAdorate Deum / Gregorian Chant from the Proper of the Mass
Communiones: Dicit Dominus: Implete hydriasAdorate Deum / Gregorian Chant from the Proper of the Mass