Nashville Symphony Orchestra的歌曲列表
Amahl and the Night Visitors:Oh, woman, you may keep the gold (King Melchior)
MENOTTI, G.C.: Amahl and the Night Visitors / My Christmas (Willis, Mabry)
Amahl and the Night Visitors:All that gold! (Mother)
MENOTTI, G.C.: Amahl and the Night Visitors / My Christmas (Willis, Mabry)
Amahl and the Night Visitors:Thank you, good friends (King Balthazar, Chorus, Amahl, King Kaspar)
MENOTTI, G.C.: Amahl and the Night Visitors / My Christmas (Willis, Mabry)
Amahl and the Night Visitors:Don't you dare! (Amahl)
MENOTTI, G.C.: Amahl and the Night Visitors / My Christmas (Willis, Mabry)
Amahl and the Night Visitors:Thief! Thief! (Page, King Melchoir, King Balthazar, King Kaspar)
MENOTTI, G.C.: Amahl and the Night Visitors / My Christmas (Willis, Mabry)
Amahl and the Night Visitors:Oh, no, wait… take back your gold! (Mother, Amahl)
MENOTTI, G.C.: Amahl and the Night Visitors / My Christmas (Willis, Mabry)
Amahl and the Night Visitors:Do you really want to go? (Mother, Amahl, King Kaspar, King Balthazar)
MENOTTI, G.C.: Amahl and the Night Visitors / My Christmas (Willis, Mabry)
My Christmas
MENOTTI, G.C.: Amahl and the Night Visitors / My Christmas (Willis, Mabry)
Amahl and the Night Visitors:Shepherds, Arise! (Chorus, King Melchior, Amahl)
MENOTTI, G.C.: Amahl and the Night Visitors / My Christmas (Willis, Mabry)
Mass in D Major, Op. 123, "Missa Solemnis":Kyrie eleison
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Missa Solemnis (L. Phillips, Redmon, J. Taylor, Baylon, Nashville Symphony and Chorus, Schermerhorn)
Mass in D Major, Op. 123, "Missa Solemnis":Gloria: Gloria in excelsis Deo
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Missa Solemnis (L. Phillips, Redmon, J. Taylor, Baylon, Nashville Symphony and Chorus, Schermerhorn)
Mass in D Major, Op. 123, "Missa Solemnis":Gloria: Qui tollis peccata mundi
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Missa Solemnis (L. Phillips, Redmon, J. Taylor, Baylon, Nashville Symphony and Chorus, Schermerhorn)
Mass in D Major, Op. 123, "Missa Solemnis":Gloria: Quoniam tu solus sanctus
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Missa Solemnis (L. Phillips, Redmon, J. Taylor, Baylon, Nashville Symphony and Chorus, Schermerhorn)
Mass in D Major, Op. 123, "Missa Solemnis":Credo: Et incarnatus est
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Missa Solemnis (L. Phillips, Redmon, J. Taylor, Baylon, Nashville Symphony and Chorus, Schermerhorn)
Mass in D Major, Op. 123, "Missa Solemnis":Mass in D Major, Op. 123, "Missa Solemnis": Benedictus
Mass in D Major, Op. 123, "Missa Solemnis":Credo: Et resurrexit tertia die
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Missa Solemnis (L. Phillips, Redmon, J. Taylor, Baylon, Nashville Symphony and Chorus, Schermerhorn)
Mass in D Major, Op. 123, "Missa Solemnis":Sanctus
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Missa Solemnis (L. Phillips, Redmon, J. Taylor, Baylon, Nashville Symphony and Chorus, Schermerhorn)
Mass in D Major, Op. 123, "Missa Solemnis":Sanctus: Benedictus
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Missa Solemnis (L. Phillips, Redmon, J. Taylor, Baylon, Nashville Symphony and Chorus, Schermerhorn)
Mass in D Major, Op. 123, "Missa Solemnis":Agnus Dei
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Missa Solemnis (L. Phillips, Redmon, J. Taylor, Baylon, Nashville Symphony and Chorus, Schermerhorn)
Mass in D Major, Op. 123, "Missa Solemnis":Agnus Dei: Dona nobis pacem
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Missa Solemnis (L. Phillips, Redmon, J. Taylor, Baylon, Nashville Symphony and Chorus, Schermerhorn)
Mass in D Major, Op. 123, "Missa Solemnis":Mass in D Major, Op. 123, "Missa Solemnis": Sanctus: Benedictus
BEETHOVEN, L. van: Genius of Beethoven (The)
2017 - 2025
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