Musica Ficta的歌曲列表
Missa Prolationum:GloriaOCKEGHEM: Requiem / Missa Prolationum
Missa Prolationum:Agnus DeiOCKEGHEM: Requiem / Missa Prolationum
Missa Prolationum:BenedictusOCKEGHEM: Requiem / Missa Prolationum
Sederunt principesVocal Ensemble Music - SEIZED BY SWEET DESIRE - Singing Nuns and Ladies, From the Cathedral to the Bed Chamber (Musica Ficta, Holten)
Mors (clausula)Vocal Ensemble Music - SEIZED BY SWEET DESIRE - Singing Nuns and Ladies, From the Cathedral to the Bed Chamber (Musica Ficta, Holten)
Non vos relinquam - Homo quo vigeasVocal Ensemble Music - SEIZED BY SWEET DESIRE - Singing Nuns and Ladies, From the Cathedral to the Bed Chamber (Musica Ficta, Holten)
SanctusWorld of Early Music
Alleluia / Posui adiutoriumVocal Ensemble Music - SEIZED BY SWEET DESIRE - Singing Nuns and Ladies, From the Cathedral to the Bed Chamber (Musica Ficta, Holten)
A vos vieg, chevalier sire / Et FlorebitVocal Ensemble Music - SEIZED BY SWEET DESIRE - Singing Nuns and Ladies, From the Cathedral to the Bed Chamber (Musica Ficta, Holten)
Viderunt omnesVocal Ensemble Music - SEIZED BY SWEET DESIRE - Singing Nuns and Ladies, From the Cathedral to the Bed Chamber (Musica Ficta, Holten)
Soufres, maris, et si ne vous anuitVocal Ensemble Music - SEIZED BY SWEET DESIRE - Singing Nuns and Ladies, From the Cathedral to the Bed Chamber (Musica Ficta, Holten)
Nus ne mi pourroit / Nonne sui, nonne, laissier / AptaturVocal Ensemble Music - SEIZED BY SWEET DESIRE - Singing Nuns and Ladies, From the Cathedral to the Bed Chamber (Musica Ficta, Holten)
S'on me regarde / Prenes I garde / He! Mi EnfantVocal Ensemble Music - SEIZED BY SWEET DESIRE - Singing Nuns and Ladies, From the Cathedral to the Bed Chamber (Musica Ficta, Holten)
Je sui jonete / He Diex! je n'ai pas mari / VeritatemVocal Ensemble Music - SEIZED BY SWEET DESIRE - Singing Nuns and Ladies, From the Cathedral to the Bed Chamber (Musica Ficta, Holten)
Cil bruns ne me meine mie / In SeculumVocal Ensemble Music - SEIZED BY SWEET DESIRE - Singing Nuns and Ladies, From the Cathedral to the Bed Chamber (Musica Ficta, Holten)
Joliement en douce / Quant voi la florete / Je sui joliete / AptaturVocal Ensemble Music - SEIZED BY SWEET DESIRE - Singing Nuns and Ladies, From the Cathedral to the Bed Chamber (Musica Ficta, Holten)
Alma Redemptoris MaterFrancisco Guerrero: Hispalesis
Se den lille kattekilling (arr. B. Holten):Se den lille kattekillingDen danske sangskat (Treasure of Danish Songs), Vol. 8 - Bornesange (Children Songs)
OffertoriumTomas Luis De Victoria: Officium Defuntorum - Musica Ficta - Raul Mallavibarrena
Folkehojskolens Melodibog (Folk High School Melody Book), FS 103:Du danske mand! af al din magt syng (Sing, Danish man! With all your might)NIELSEN, C.: Vocal Music (Musica Ficta, Holten)
20 Folkelige Melodier (20 Folk Melodies), FS 95 (arr. B. Holten for vocal ensemble):20 Folkelige Melodier (20 Folk Melodies), FS 95: No. 4. Morgendug der, sagte baever (Morning dew that slightly trembles) (arr. B. Holten for vocal ensemble)NIELSEN, C.: Vocal Music (Musica Ficta, Holten)
10 Danske smasange (10 Little Danish Songs), FS 114 (arr. B. Holten for vocal ensemble):10 Danske smasange (10 Little Danish Songs), FS 114: No. 7. Gron er vaarens haek (Green in the Hedge in Spring) (arr. B. Holten for vocal ensemble)NIELSEN, C.: Vocal Music (Musica Ficta, Holten)
Danmark, nu blunder den lyse nat (Denmark, Now the Pale Night is Half Awake), FS 146NIELSEN, C.: Vocal Music (Musica Ficta, Holten)
Der er etyndigt land (There is a Lovely Country), FS 110NIELSEN, C.: Vocal Music (Musica Ficta, Holten)