Milada Čejková的歌曲列表
Evening. Mixed Chorus on Text by Josef Hiršal, .Hudba bojující V. - Zápas s fašismem
Mass for G Major:II. GloriaBarber, Poulenc, Slavický, Novák, Strauss, Bach: Agnus Dei
Mass for G Major:I. KyrieBarber, Poulenc, Slavický, Novák, Strauss, Bach: Agnus Dei
Mass for G Major:III. SanctusBarber, Poulenc, Slavický, Novák, Strauss, Bach: Agnus Dei
Mass for G Major:IV. BenedictusBarber, Poulenc, Slavický, Novák, Strauss, Bach: Agnus Dei
Mass for G Major:V. Agnus DeiBarber, Poulenc, Slavický, Novák, Strauss, Bach: Agnus Dei
The Legend of the Smoke from Potato FiresMartinu: Opening of the Wells, Legend of the Smoke, Mikes of the Moutains
Mikes of the MountainsMartinu: Opening of the Wells, Legend of the Smoke, Mikes of the Moutains
The Opening of the WellsMartinu: Opening of the Wells, Legend of the Smoke, Mikes of the Moutains