Miklós Rózsa的歌曲列表
Kali DanceThe Golden Voyage of Sinbad (complete score)
Landing On LemuriaThe Golden Voyage of Sinbad (complete score)
Ship At Night / Sinbad And Margiana / Koura's Guides Siren To Chart / Sinbad And Crew Fight Siren / Haroun Lute / LemuriaThe Golden Voyage of Sinbad (complete score)
Sinbad Meets Margiana / Margiana Boards Sinbad's Ship / Haroun Appears On DeckThe Golden Voyage of Sinbad (complete score)
Moving OutThe Private Life of Sherlock Holmes
Von Tirpitz AppearsThe Private Life of Sherlock Holmes
Watson's Rage / Being PresumptuousThe Private Life of Sherlock Holmes
Sinbad In Harkim's Market / Sinbad Throws Harkim's BodyguardThe Golden Voyage of Sinbad (complete score)
Main Titles / 221B Baker StreetThe Private Life of Sherlock Holmes
Homunculus ExplodesThe Golden Voyage of Sinbad (complete score)
Belly Dancing (Sinbad's Ship)The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (complete score)
Two Tablets / MapsThe Golden Voyage of Sinbad (complete score)
Vizier Receives SinbadThe Golden Voyage of Sinbad (complete score)
Koura Chases Sinbad To Vizier's CityThe Golden Voyage of Sinbad (complete score)
The Storm (Kojra Calls) / MarabiaThe Golden Voyage of Sinbad (complete score)
Sinbad's DreamThe Golden Voyage of Sinbad (complete score)
Homunculus Drops Tablet On Sinbad's ShipThe Golden Voyage of Sinbad (complete score)
Main TitlesThe Golden Voyage of Sinbad (complete score)
The Smoke Machine / Concerto / *******The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes
Legend and EpilogueEl Cid [Koch]
Death of El CidEl Cid [Koch]
Battle of ValenciaEl Cid [Koch]
El Cid MarchEl Cid [Koch]
Love SceneEl Cid [Koch]