Miklós Rózsa的歌曲列表
Friends AgainThe World, The Flesh and the Devil (Original Soundtrack) [1959]
Α Second SurvivorThe World, The Flesh and the Devil (Original Soundtrack) [1959]
CrossroadsThe World, The Flesh and the Devil (Original Soundtrack) [1959]
AmnesiaThe World, The Flesh and the Devil (Original Soundtrack) [1959]
NostalgiaThe World, The Flesh and the Devil (Original Soundtrack) [1959]
NativityKing of Kings (Original Soundtrack) [1961]
DisasterThe World, The Flesh and the Devil (Original Soundtrack) [1959]
PicnicThe World, The Flesh and the Devil (Original Soundtrack) [1959]
The Temptation of JesusKing of Kings (Original Soundtrack) [1961]
Salome's DanceKing of Kings (Original Soundtrack) [1961]
Virgin MaryKing of Kings (Original Soundtrack) [1961]
The Third ManThe World, The Flesh and the Devil (Original Soundtrack) [1959]
ShowdownThe World, The Flesh and the Devil (Original Soundtrack) [1959]
The Holy of HoliesKing of Kings (Original Soundtrack) [1961]
Mount Galilee and the Sermon on the MountKing of Kings (Original Soundtrack) [1961]
The Miracles of JesusKing of Kings (Original Soundtrack) [1961]
PreludeKing of Kings (Original Soundtrack) [1961]
The Prayer at GethsemaneKing of Kings (Original Soundtrack) [1961]
The Governor of JudeaKing of Kings (Original Soundtrack) [1961]
Ηe Digs His Own Way OutThe World, The Flesh and the Devil (Original Soundtrack) [1959]
Fight for CalahorraEl Cid [Koch]
The Scourging of ChristKing of Kings (Original Soundtrack) [1961]
Road to AsturiasEl Cid [Koch]
Resurrection / FinaleKing of Kings (Original Soundtrack) [1961]