Michael Harris的歌曲列表
All things bright and beautifulThe Choristers of Canterbury Cathedral
Pie JesuThe Choristers of Canterbury Cathedral
O hear us LordThe Choristers of Canterbury Cathedral
Christ Whose GloryThe Choristers of Canterbury Cathedral
A New Year CarolThe Choristers of Canterbury Cathedral
Missa Brevis: Agnus DeiThe Choristers of Canterbury Cathedral
Missa Brevis: Sanctus & BenedictusThe Choristers of Canterbury Cathedral
Missa Brevis: GloriaThe Choristers of Canterbury Cathedral
Missa Brevis: KyrieThe Choristers of Canterbury Cathedral
Let the Bright SeraphimThe Choristers of Canterbury Cathedral
Praise to God in the HighestThe Choristers of Canterbury Cathedral
Nunc DimittisThe Choristers of Canterbury Cathedral
A Song of WisdomThe Choristers of Canterbury Cathedral
A Song of PeaceThe Choristers of Canterbury Cathedral
Sound the TrumpetThe Choristers of Canterbury Cathedral
Pawn to King IVEgo Decimation Profile
Te Deum in G MajorChoral Music by Campbell, Armstrong, Jackson, Bairstow, Cocker, Porter, Tallis, Gibbons, Knight, Ridout, Vaughan Williams
Five Mystical Songs: I Got Me FlowersSounds of Canterbury
Five Mystical Songs: Love Bade Me WelcomeSounds of Canterbury
Five Mystical Songs: Come, My Way (The Call)Sounds of Canterbury
Five Mystical Songs: Rise Heart (Easter)Sounds of Canterbury
Song of the Tree of LifeThe Choristers of Canterbury Cathedral
Lord, Thou Has Been Our RefugeSounds of Canterbury
Mind or Heart?Defense Mechanizms