Michael Chance的歌曲列表
Diminuzioni su 'Vestiva i colli' di Palestrina (Per voce e liuto)Con gratia et maniera
Diminuzioni su 'Anchor che col partire' di Cipriano de Rore (Per voce, violino, 2 viole da gamba)Con gratia et maniera
Diminuzioni su 'Io son ferito ahi lasso' di Palestrina (Per cornetto, liuto, organo)Con gratia et maniera
'Ave verum': Diminuzioni su 'Io son ferito ahi lasso' di Palestrina (Per voce e liuto)Con gratia et maniera
Musicke of Sundrie Kindes:Faire, sweet, cruellELIZABETHAN AND JACOBEAN LUTE SONGS
Book of Songs, Book 4, "A Pilgrimes Solace":Shall I strive with words to moveELIZABETHAN AND JACOBEAN LUTE SONGS
Prelude, P. 98John Dowland: In Darkness
Pavan, P. 94John Dowland: In Darkness
Mrs. M.E. Her Funerall Teares for the Death of Her Husband: II. Drop Not Mine EiesDanyel: Like as the Lute Delights
Diminuzioni su 'Ben qui si mostra il ciel' di Cipriano de Rore (Per voce e liuto)Con gratia et maniera
Mrs. M. E. her Funerall teares for the death of her husband:III. Have all our passionsELIZABETHAN AND JACOBEAN LUTE SONGS
What then is love but mourning?ELIZABETHAN AND JACOBEAN LUTE SONGS
Semele HWV 58 / Act 1:Hymen Haste Thy Torch PrepareSalve Regina, R.616 (Antiphona)
Diminuzioni su 'Vestiva i colli' di Palestrina (Per violino, 2 viole da gamba, chitarrone, chitarra, organo)Con gratia et maniera
Bookes of Ayres, Book 2*:Never weather-beaten saile more willing bent to shoreELIZABETHAN AND JACOBEAN LUTE SONGS
"Erfreut euch ihr Herzen" Cantata BWV 66:Chorale "Halleluja! Des solln wir alle froh sein""Erfreut euch, ihr Herzen" Cantata, BWV 66
Can Doleful Notes?: II. No, Let Chromatic TunesDanyel: Like as the Lute Delights
Thou Pretty Bird, How Do I SeeDanyel: Like as the Lute Delights
If I Could Shut the GateDanyel: Like as the Lute Delights
What Delight Can They EnjoyDanyel: Like as the Lute Delights
He Whose Desires Are Still AbroadDanyel: Like as the Lute Delights
Sonata seconda (Per cornetto, violino, viole da gamba, chitarrone, chitarra, organo)Con gratia et maniera
Book of Songs, Book 1: Can she excuse my wrongs:Can she excuse my wrongsELIZABETHAN AND JACOBEAN LUTE SONGS