Into The FutureYour World / Into The Future
We Are The EnergyWe Are The Energy
AutomataEx Machina
ParallelEx Machina
HackersEx Machina
AscensionEx Machina
GravityEx Machina
Time To Let GoEx Machina
Ex MachinaEx Machina
Dying Light (Netease Exclusive)Ex Machina
ShadowsEx Machina
Human AgainHuman Again
SlipstreamHuman Again
Between Worlds VIPViper 50 (Viper Recordings 50th Release Remix EP)
Can’t Speak (feat. Stealth)Can’t Speak (feat. Stealth)
HackersHospitality On The Beach 2019
DawnbreakerForza Horizon 4: Hospital Soundtrack
Rim ShockHospitality 2015
The Appeal & the Mindsweep (Metrik Remix)The Mindsweep: Hospitalised
Fatso (VIP)Hospitality in the Park
Freefall VIPDrum & Bass Summer Slammers 2013 (Viper Presents)
TimelapseShogun Audio presents 2015
Northern LightsHospital: We Are 21