Infernal ForcesExtreme Cold Weather
Anorexia NervosaRotten Perish
Never Let You GoNever Let You Go
Mi Amiguita (feat. Jory Boy)Ya Era Tiempo, Vol. 2
Grande LigaYa Era Tiempo Vol. 2
Messiah (Extra Version)Extreme Hymns and Ballads of a Rotten Psycho Underground Horror Cult
The DentistExtreme Hymns and Ballads of a Rotten Psycho Underground Horror Cult
The Ballad of Jesus (Metaldance Mix)Extreme Hymns and Ballads of a Rotten Psycho Underground Horror Cult
Dark LustUnderground
The EndUnderground
WeenaChoir Of Horrors
Right for UnrightPsychomorphia
Enjoy YourselfMESSIAH - Reanimation 2003/Live At Abart
Line of Thought of a Convinced ManMESSIAH - Reanimation 2003/Live At Abart
ContritionMESSIAH - Rotten Perish
UndergroundMESSIAH - Underground
Muenchhausen SyndromMESSIAH - Choir Of Horrors
Right For UnrightMESSIAH - Psychomorphia
Messiah (Extra Version)Hymn to Abramelin
AnarchusHymn to Abramelin
Johannes paul der letzteExtreme Cold Weather
ResurrectionExtreme Cold Weather