Maxim Emelyanychev的歌曲列表
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 3:SinfoniaWork & Relax with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 3:"Sono vani e pretesti"Work & Relax with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 3:"Ecco in segno di fè"Work & Relax with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 3:"Perfidi! e ancor osate"Work & Relax with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 3:"Caro voi siete all'alma"Work & Relax with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 3:"Ritorna a noi la calma"Work & Relax with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 3:"Per rendermi beato"Work & Relax with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 3:"Nò, nò, se tu mi sprezzi"Work & Relax with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 3:"Ubbidirò al mio Rè?"Work & Relax with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 3:"Come già vi accennammo"Work & Relax with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 3:"Del Ciel d'amore sorte si bella"Work & Relax with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 3:"Troppo oltraggi la mia fede"Work & Relax with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 3:"Cagion son io del mio dolore"Work & Relax with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 3:"Ciò che Giove destinò"Work & Relax with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 3:"Sene viene Ariodate"Work & Relax with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 3:"Ecco lo sposo!"Work & Relax with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 1:"Frondi tenere"Stay at Home with Handel
Serse, HWV 40:OvertureStay at Home with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 1:"Và godendo vezzoso e bello"Stay at Home with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 1:"Io le dirò che l'amo - Tu le dirai che l'ami"Stay at Home with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 1:"Arsamene - Romilda"Stay at Home with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 1:"Sì, sì, mio ben"Stay at Home with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 1:"Di tacere e di schernirmi"Stay at Home with Handel
Serse, HWV 40 / Act 1:"Se cangio spoglia, non cangio core"Stay at Home with Handel