girlfriendlol live tour 2018-scream- SET LIST
ice creamlol live tour 2018-scream- SET LIST
EZ DO DANCE (1Cho)テレビ朝日×ABEMA共同制作ドラマ「M 愛すべき人がいて」Sound Collection+A VICTORY Special Sampler
lights camera action (instrumental)work it out
love game (instrumental)work it out
work it out (instrumental)work it out
gimme gimme(instrumental)bye bye
brand new story -instrumental-spank!!
girl is mine -instrumental-spank!!
ladi dadilolol
catch the wavelolol
girlfriend (instrumental)boyfriend / girlfriend
spank!! -instrumental-spank!!
party up!! (instrumental)boyfriend / girlfriend
bye bye(instrumental)bye bye
アイタイキモチ (Instrumental)アイタイキモチ / nanana
think of you (Instrumental)アイタイキモチ / nanana
nanana (Instrumental)アイタイキモチ / nanana
special love (Instrumental)サヨナラの季節 / lolli-lolli
lolli-lolli (Instrumental)サヨナラの季節 / lolli-lolli
サヨナラの季節 (Instrumental)サヨナラの季節 / lolli-lolli
bring back (Instrumental)brave up!!