Lisa Milne的歌曲列表
Country LifeMoonstruck: Songs of F.G. Scott
My wife's a wanton wee thingMoonstruck: Songs of F.G. Scott
I wha aince in Heavens' HeichtMoonstruck: Songs of F.G. Scott
Hungry WatersMoonstruck: Songs of F.G. Scott
To a LadyMoonstruck: Songs of F.G. Scott
Cupid & VenusMoonstruck: Songs of F.G. Scott
The Wee ManMoonstruck: Songs of F.G. Scott
Ay Waukin, OMoonstruck: Songs of F.G. Scott
Wheesht, WheestMoonstruck: Songs of F.G. Scott
The Old FishermanMoonstruck: Songs of F.G. Scott
CrowdiknoweMoonstruck: Songs of F.G. Scott
MoonstruckMoonstruck: Songs of F.G. Scott
Te Deil o'BogieMoonstruck: Songs of F.G. Scott
Love of AlbaMoonstruck: Songs of F.G. Scott
The Innumerable ChristMoonstruck: Songs of F.G. Scott
Empty VesselMoonstruck: Songs of F.G. Scott
The Wren's NestMoonstruck: Songs of F.G. Scott
La clemenza di Tito K.621 / Act 2:"Non giova lusingarsi"La clemenza di Tito, K.621 / Act 2
La clemenza di Tito K.621 / Act 2:"S'altro che lagrime"La clemenza di Tito, K.621 / Act 2
La clemenza di Tito K.621 / Act 2:"Tu è ver m'assolvi Augusto"La clemenza di Tito, K.621 / Act 2
La clemenza di Tito K.621 / Act 1:"Non ci pentiam"La clemenza di Tito, K.621 / Act 2
La clemenza di Tito K.621 / Act 1:"Ah perdona al primo affetto"La clemenza di Tito, K.621 / Act 2
La clemenza di Tito K.621 / Act 1:Di Tito al pièLa clemenza di Tito, K.621 / Act 2
La clemenza di Tito K.621 / Act 1:"Felice me!" - "Ancora mi schernisce?"La clemenza di Tito, K.621 / Act 2