NowPoison Seed
MeaningPoison Seed
Watch Me FeedPoison Seed
BornPoison Seed
Bitter TastePoison Seed
DetonativoBlanco Y Negro 1983-2013 Vol.2
Feel (Boykz Remix)Anomaly Rearranged, Vol. 1
IcebreakerThe Sprawl
OverdriveReprogrammed EP
KuangThe Sprawl
Blue NineThe Sprawl
T VirusT Virus / Eidolon
Amnesia Wind (Original)Surround Sound Retrospective Vol.2
Head Knock (Original)Surround Sound Retrospective Vol.2
Poison SeedPoison Seed
bout my moneybout my money
PoltergeistPoltergeist / Feel
Rise of the BeastEverything You Feel Is Laced with ****ing Lies
Place of Dead RoadsGhost Dope
Cannibal HolocaustGhost Dope
Hurt MeGhost Dope
Cannibal HolocaustEverything You Feel Is Laced with ****ing Lies
A Two Dimensional Shadow (feat. Lethal)Filth Columnist
LethalReprogrammed EP