Leonard Rosenman的歌曲列表
End TitleJurij (Original Soundtrack Recording)
Ciaccona Per ViolinoJurij (Original Soundtrack Recording)
Main TitleCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)
CreationCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)
Adam & EveCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)
The FallCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)
Cain & AbelCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)
Noah & The FloodCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)
Abraham & IsaacCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)
EgyptCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)
MosesCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)
The PlaguesCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)
Moses on the MountCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)
ExodusCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)
The WildernessCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)
Death of MosesCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)
The Birth & ChildhoodCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)
Baptism & TemptationCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)
Sermon on the MountCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)
Last SupperCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)
Capture & DenialCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)
Crucifixion & DeathCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)
ResurrectionCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)
End TitleCharlton Heston Presents the Bible (Music Soundtrack Album)