La Capella Reial de Catalunya的歌曲列表
Villancico (Égloga 6): Hoy comamos y bevamos (C. M. Palacio No. 174)
Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Musica: Christ ist erstanden à 6 voce
Erasmus - Elogio della Follia (Versione italiana)
Villancico (Égloga 6): Hoy comamos y bevamos (C. M. Palacio No. 174)
Erasmus - Elogio della Follia (Versione italiana)
Narrazione 1: "Lettera di Erasmo sulla guerra contro i turchi" / Musica: Taksim (Improvvisazione santur)
Erasmus - Elogio della Follia (Versione italiana)
Narration LXVI (23): "Relationship Between the Christian Religion and Folly" / Music: Patres nostri peccaverunt (C. M. Montecassino No. 2)
Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Narration LVII – LIX (22): "Folly of Bishops, Cardinals and Supreme Pontiffs" / Music: Estas noches a tan largas (Instrumental - C. M. Calabria No. 26)
Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Narration XXIX (18): "She Claims the Credit for True Wisdom" / Music: Las Vacas (Harp Improvisation)
Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Saltarello (Mss. Venezia)
Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Narration XXVIII (17): "She Is the Mother of the Arts" / Music: My Lady Carey’s Dompe / Danse Tune English Tradition (Harp)
Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Todos los buenos soldados (La Guerra)
Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Narration XXI (14): "Folly Is the Blessing of Human Society" / Music: Paduana del re (Mss Venezia)
Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Juan del Enzina. Cucú, cucú, cucucú! (C. M. Palacio No. 94)
Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Narration XIX (12): "Folly Is Necessary to Friendship" / Music: Belle qui tiens ma vie (Harp Improvisation)
Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Narration XVI (11): "Of Folly’s Pre-Eminence in the World" / Music: Harke, harke (Gamba Viol)
Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Narrazione 19: "Lutero a Erasmo. Del servo arbitrio" / Musica: Psalm: Christ lag in Todes (Pubblicato da Martin Luther in 1533)
Erasmus - Elogio della Follia (Versione italiana)
Plangite Pierides (Lamento per la morte di Erasmo)
Erasmus - Elogio della Follia (Versione italiana)
Diferencias Sobre "Las Vacas" (Arpa)
Erasmus - Elogio della Follia (Versione italiana)
Narrazione LXVIII (25): "Addio al lettore" / Musica: Folias Portuguesas (Arpa)
Erasmus - Elogio della Follia (Versione italiana)
Narration XIII (9): "Of the Connection Between Folly and Childhood and the Second Childhood of Old Age" / Music: Las Vacas (Improvisation Harp)
Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Narration X (6): "Folly’s Claims to be Admitted to the Council of the Goddesses / Music: Romanesca
Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
La Gamba In Basso, E Soprano (1564)
Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Narration IX (5): "Her Followers" / Music: Folias de la costa (Cont.)
Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Narration VIII (4): "Her Birthplace, Her Infancy" / Music: Folias de la costa (Harp)
Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
Narration VII (3): Folly’s Origins
Erasmus - Praise of Folly (English Version)
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