LemonadeThe Roots EP
Age Of EnlightenmentOmega Point EP
Orange RootsThe Roots EP
Cold CallTrigonometry EP
Omega PointOmega Point EP
Bring ItHollow Point EP
Hollow PointHollow Point EP
Human SacrificeThe Roots EP
PlatoonHollow Point EP
UniverseUniverse EP
Accidental Side EffectsInfluences
TrigonometryTrigonometry EP
Give NothingGive Nothing EP
The Third PerspectivOmega Point EP
Red ShiftOmega Point EP
CloserGive Nothing EP
UndergroundPaid In Blood / Underground
TimelinesProzen / Infinite Realms / Timelines
RainoutUniverse EP
TerraTerra / Tize / The Fear
TimecodeTrigonometry EP
EmeraldsGive Nothing EP
Sorrow (Original Mix)Tension EP
Life ForeverInfluences