Kathryn Rudge的歌曲列表
I Heard You SingingCoates: Songs
Tell Me Where Is Fancy BredCoates: Songs
Always as I Close My EyesCoates: Songs
Reuben RanzoCoates: Songs
Dreams of LondonCoates: Songs
The Mill o' Dreams: No. 2, Dream o' NightsCoates: Songs
The Mill o' Dreams: No. 1, Back o' the MoonCoates: Songs
The Scent of LilacCoates: Songs
Your Hand in Mine, BelovedSongs by Sir Hamilton Harty
My Thoughts of YouSongs by Sir Hamilton Harty
Lane o' the ThrushesSongs by Sir Hamilton Harty
The Stranger's GraveSongs by Sir Hamilton Harty
5 Irish Poems (Excerpts):No. 5, The Fiddler of DooneySongs by Sir Hamilton Harty
3 Flower Songs, Op. 13 (Excerpts):No. 2, MignonetteSongs by Sir Hamilton Harty
Arlequin and Columbine, Op. 10Songs by Sir Hamilton Harty
Come, O Come, My Life's DelightSongs by Sir Hamilton Harty
6 Songs of Ireland, Op. 18:No. 5, Flame in the SkiesSongs by Sir Hamilton Harty
By the Bivouac's Fitful FlameSongs by Sir Hamilton Harty
The Song of Glen DunSongs by Sir Hamilton Harty
Scythe SongSongs by Sir Hamilton Harty
Sea WrackSongs by Sir Hamilton Harty
3 Irish Folk Songs:No. 1, The Lowlands of HollandSongs by Sir Hamilton Harty