Jurgen Budday的歌曲列表
Whitacre: SLEEP (for 4- till 8-part choir)Whitacre: Choral Works - SLEEP & LUX AURUMQUE
Welcome, Welcome, Mighty King (Chorus Of Israelites)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)
Lechner: Nun schein, du Glanz der HerrlichkeitChoral Concert: Die Nacht leuchtet wie der Tag / The night shines as the day
Symphony (Allegro)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)
'Tis Said, Here Lives A Woman, Close Familiar With Th'enemy Of Mankind (Accomp. Saul)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)
Symphony (Allegro)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)
Where Is The Son Of Jesse? Comes He Not To Grace Our Feast? (Saul & Jonathan)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)
Oh, Fatal Consequence Of Rage (Chorus)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)
A Father's Will Has Authorized My Love (Michal) - O Fairest Of Ten Thousand Fair (Duet Michal & David)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)
O Fatal Day! How Low The Mighty Lie! O Jonathan! (Solo David & Chorus)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)
Appear, My Friend (Jonathan) - No More Imagine Danger (Saul) - Your Words, O King, My Loyal Heart (Air David)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)
My Father Comes: Retire, My Friend (Jonathan)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)
As Great Jehovah Lives (Air Saul)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)
From This Unhappy Day No More, Ye Gilboan Hills, On You Descend Refreshing Rains Or Kindly Dew (Air Merab)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)
Preserve Him For The Glory Of Thy Name (Chorus)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)
O Lord, Whose Providence Ever Wakes For Their Defence (Air High Priest)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)
Thy Father Is As Cruel (David) - At Persecution I Can Laugh (Duet David & Michal)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)
In Sweetest Harmony They Lived (Air Michal)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)
Envy, Eldest Born Of Hell (Chorus)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)
Hast Thou Obey'd My Orders (Saul) - Sin Not, O King, Against The Youth (Air Jonathan)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)
Mean As He Was, He Is My Brother Now (Merab)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)
No, Cruel Father, No! I Must Defend Against The World My Best, My Dearest Friend (Air Jonathan)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)
Has He Escap'd My Rage? (Saul) - Capricious Man, In Humour Lost (Air Merab)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)
Symphony (Largo)Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)