Joseph Trapanese的歌曲列表
Beck Betrayed (Scars Suite)TRON: Uprising
Tesler ThrowdownTRON: Uprising
MemoriesShadow and Bone (Music from the Netflix Series)
Royal Archives HeistShadow and Bone (Music from the Netflix Series)
Paige's PastTRON: Uprising
Price of PowerTRON: Uprising
Dyson Drops In (Scars Suite)TRON: Uprising
Rescuing the RebellionTRON: Uprising
Torture (Scars Suite)TRON: Uprising
Tron's Promise (Scars Suite)TRON: Uprising
Revenge (Scars Suite)TRON: Uprising
Tron's Turn (Scars Suite)TRON: Uprising
Lux's SacrificeTRON: Uprising
Redemption (Scars Suite)TRON: Uprising
Renegade's Pledge - End CreditsTRON: Uprising
Compressed SpaceTRON: Uprising
Power and Purpose (from "The Witcher: Season 2" soundtrack)Power and Purpose (from "The Witcher: Season 2" soundtrack)
Earth to Echo SuiteEarth to Echo (Music from the Motion Picture)
Her Name Is Alina Starkov (Music from the Netflix Series Shadow and Bone)Her Name Is Alina Starkov (Music from the Netflix Series Shadow and Bone)
Gunslinger Likes CompanyPrisoners of the Ghostland (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Alas Poor YorickPrisoners of the Ghostland (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Track 22The Witcher: Season 2 (Soundtrack from the Netflix Original Series)
Track 16The Witcher: Season 2 (Soundtrack from the Netflix Original Series)