Joseph Trapanese的歌曲列表
Dead AlreadyThe Raid: Redemption (Original Motion Picture Score & Soundtrack)
Andi Strung UpThe Raid: Redemption (Original Motion Picture Score & Soundtrack)
Putting A Mad Dog DownThe Raid: Redemption (Original Motion Picture Score & Soundtrack)
MisfireThe Raid: Redemption (Original Motion Picture Score & Soundtrack)
Goodbye RenegadeTRON: Uprising
Beck Betrayed (Scars Suite)TRON: Uprising
Tesler ThrowdownTRON: Uprising
MemoriesShadow and Bone (Music from the Netflix Series)
Royal Archives HeistShadow and Bone (Music from the Netflix Series)
Paige's PastTRON: Uprising
Price of PowerTRON: Uprising
Dyson Drops In (Scars Suite)TRON: Uprising
Rescuing the RebellionTRON: Uprising
Torture (Scars Suite)TRON: Uprising
Tron's Promise (Scars Suite)TRON: Uprising
Revenge (Scars Suite)TRON: Uprising
Tron's Turn (Scars Suite)TRON: Uprising
Lux's SacrificeTRON: Uprising
Redemption (Scars Suite)TRON: Uprising
Renegade's Pledge - End CreditsTRON: Uprising
Compressed SpaceTRON: Uprising
Power and Purpose (from "The Witcher: Season 2" soundtrack)Power and Purpose (from "The Witcher: Season 2" soundtrack)
Earth to Echo SuiteEarth to Echo (Music from the Motion Picture)