John McGlinn的歌曲列表
Tristan und Isolde:Wie lange fern! Wie fern so lang!
WAGNER, R.: Scenes from Tristan und Isolde and Gotterdammerung
Lohengrin:Hochstes Vertraun
WAGNER, R.: Scenes from Lohengrin and Siegfried
Anything Goes (original 1934 version), Act I: Finale Act I (Sailor No. 1, Captain, Billy, Hope, Reno, Moonface)
Anything Goes - Porter
Show Boat, Appendix: Nobody else but me
Show Boat
Show Boat, ACT 1, Scene 1: 'Andy!!! Drat that man...' to '...and the Lord knows when he will be'
Show Boat
Siegfried:Nothung! Nothung! Neidliches Schewert!
WAGNER, R.: Scenes from Lohengrin and Siegfried
Anything Goes (original 1934 version), Appendix: There's no cure like travel (Boys, Girls)
Anything Goes - Porter
Anything Goes (original 1934 version), Act II: Buddie, beware (Reno)
Anything Goes - Porter
Show Boat, ACT 1, Scene 3: Till good luck comes my way
Show Boat
Annie Get Your Gun, Act II: Who do you love, I hope? (Tommy, Winnie) - Dance
Irving Berlin: Annie Get Your Gun
Tristan und Isolde:Barg im Busen uns sich die Sonne
WAGNER, R.: Scenes from Tristan und Isolde and Gotterdammerung
Anything Goes (original 1934 version), Act II: Finale Ultimo (All) (Reprise: You're the top - Anything Goes)
Anything Goes - Porter
Show Boat, ACT 1, Scene 1: 'Only make believe I love you' to 'I hope I'll see you again - in a little while'
Show Boat
Siegfried:Den der Bruder schuf, den schimmernden Reif
WAGNER, R.: Scenes from Lohengrin and Siegfried
Tristan und Isolde:O sink hernieder, Nacht der Liebe
WAGNER, R.: Scenes from Tristan und Isolde and Gotterdammerung
Show Boat: Overture: Show Boat
Kern: Show Boat (Broadway Show Album)
Show Boat, Appendix: Dance away the night.
Show Boat
George White's Scandals of 1924: Somebody loves me (B. G. De Sylva & Ballard MacDonald: orch. Maurice de Packh)
Gershwin: Overtures
Show Boat, Appendix: What cher doin' all by yourself, Miss Nola (Pantry Scene)
Show Boat
Girl Crazy: Overture: Girl Crazy
Gershwin: Overtures
Show Boat, ACT 1, Scene 1: 'Hey, Julie! That's a hell of a thing to do...' to '...Jest one big happy family - bah!!!'
Show Boat
Gotterdammerung (Twilight of the Gods):Apotheosis
WAGNER, R.: Scenes from Tristan und Isolde and Gotterdammerung
A Damsel in Distress: Stiff upper lip
Gershwin: Overtures
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