John Ayer的歌曲列表
Sleep, Holy ChildOur Dancing Day
I Sing of a MaidenOur Dancing Day
Nova! Nova!Our Dancing Day
There Is No Rose of Such VirtueOur Dancing Day
Organ Sonata No. 2 in C Minor, Op. 65 No. 2: II. Adagio: MWV W 57: II. AdagioLyrique mystique
5 Improvisations: Petite rapsodie improvisée:(Transcr. M. Duruflé): No. 1, Petite rapsodie improviséeLyrique mystique
3 Chorals: No. 1 in E Major:Organ Choral in E Major, FWV 38Lyrique mystique
Prelude on Three SpiritualsLyrique mystique
L'orgue mystique, Pt. 3, Op. 57 "Cycle après la Pentecôte": No. IV. Largo:d, Dominica XIII post Pentecosten. LargoLyrique mystique
L'orgue mystique, Pt. 3, Op. 57 "Cycle après la Pentecôte": No. V. Fantaisie sur le Te Deum et Guirlandes Alleluiatiques:e, Dominica XIII post Pentecosten. Fantaisie sur le Te Deum et Guirlandes AlleluiatiquesLyrique mystique
Fanfare for BrassChoral Music (Sacred) - LANGLAIS, J. / FINZI, G. / VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, R. / WOOD, C. (God Is Gone Up!) (Memphis Boychoir, Memphis Chamber Choir, Ayer)
Hail Thee, Festival Day!Choral Music (Sacred) - LANGLAIS, J. / FINZI, G. / VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, R. / WOOD, C. (God Is Gone Up!) (Memphis Boychoir, Memphis Chamber Choir, Ayer)
The Second Lesson:Matthew 28:16-20Choral Music (Sacred) - LANGLAIS, J. / FINZI, G. / VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, R. / WOOD, C. (God Is Gone Up!) (Memphis Boychoir, Memphis Chamber Choir, Ayer)
God Is Gone UpChoral Music (Sacred) - LANGLAIS, J. / FINZI, G. / VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, R. / WOOD, C. (God Is Gone Up!) (Memphis Boychoir, Memphis Chamber Choir, Ayer)
Shepherd's Pipe Carol, Op. 75 No. 2Our Dancing Day
Lully, Lulla, Thou Little Tiny Child, Op. 25bOur Dancing Day
Sir ChristèmasOur Dancing Day
O Come, All Ye Faithful (Arr. B. Smedley)Our Dancing Day
Fanfare for "Ru"Lyrique mystique
Organ Sonata No. 2 in C Minor, Op. 65 No. 2: I. Grave: MWV W 57: I. GraveLyrique mystique
Organ Sonata No. 2 in C Minor, Op. 65 No. 2: III. Allegro maestoso e vivace: MWV W 57: III. Allegro maestoso e vivaceLyrique mystique
Organ Sonata No. 2 in C Minor, Op. 65 No. 2:IV. Fuga: Allegro moderato: MWV W 57: IV. Fuga. Allegro moderatoLyrique mystique
Adagio in E major:a non troppo in E Major, H. 11Lyrique mystique
Prelude 2:2 Organ Preludes: No. 2, —Lyrique mystique