John Adams的歌曲列表
In the Day of the Great SlaughterEl Nino
When Herod HeardEl Nino
Se Habla De GabrielEl Nino
Joseph's DreamEl Nino
Now She Was Sixteen Years OldEl Nino
La AnnunciacionEl Nino
Harmonium: Negative LoveHarmonium/Choruses from The Death Of Klinghoffer
On the Transmigration of SoulsOn the Transmigration of Souls
Haarmonielehre: Part II The Anfortas WoundHarmonielehre
Hoodoo ZephyrHoodoo Zephyr
CeruleanHoodoo Zephyr
Tourist SongHoodoo Zephyr
Harmonielehre: Part III Meister Eckhardt And QuackieI am love
Fearful Symmetries (Excerpt)I am love
LollapaloozaI am love
Act III: "I Am Old and I Cannot Sleep"Nixon In China
Act III: "You Won at Poker."Nixon In China
Act III: "Let Us Examine What You Did."Nixon In China
Act III: "Sitting around the Radio"Nixon In China
Act II, Scene 2: "Flesh Rebels"Nixon In China
Act II, Scene 2: "Oh What a Day I Thought I'd Die!"Nixon In China
Act II, Scene 1: "Look Down at the Earth,"Nixon In China
Act II, Scene 1: (Beginning)Nixon In China
Act I, Scene 3: (Beginning)Nixon In China