John Adams的歌曲列表
Joseph's DreamEl Nino
Now She Was Sixteen Years OldEl Nino
La AnnunciacionEl Nino
Harmonium: Negative LoveHarmonium/Choruses from The Death Of Klinghoffer
On the Transmigration of SoulsOn the Transmigration of Souls
Haarmonielehre: Part II The Anfortas WoundHarmonielehre
Hoodoo ZephyrHoodoo Zephyr
CeruleanHoodoo Zephyr
Tourist SongHoodoo Zephyr
Harmonielehre: Part III Meister Eckhardt And QuackieI am love
Fearful Symmetries (Excerpt)I am love
LollapaloozaI am love
Act III: "I Am Old and I Cannot Sleep"Nixon In China
Act III: "You Won at Poker."Nixon In China
Act III: "Let Us Examine What You Did."Nixon In China
Act III: "Sitting around the Radio"Nixon In China
Act II, Scene 2: "Flesh Rebels"Nixon In China
Act II, Scene 2: "Oh What a Day I Thought I'd Die!"Nixon In China
Act II, Scene 1: "Look Down at the Earth,"Nixon In China
Act II, Scene 1: (Beginning)Nixon In China
Act I, Scene 3: (Beginning)Nixon In China
Act I, Scene 2: "Like the Ming Tombs."Nixon In China
Act I, Scene 2: "Founders Came First, then Profiteers."Nixon In China
Act I, Scene 1: (Beginning)Nixon In China