John Adams的歌曲列表
Act I, Scene 2: (Beginning)Nixon In China
Act I, Scene 1: Landing of the Spirit of '76Nixon In China
String Quartet: Movement IIFellow Traveler - The Complete String Quartet Works of John Adams
String Quartet: Movement IFellow Traveler - The Complete String Quartet Works of John Adams
John's Book of Alleged Dances:HabaneraFellow Traveler - The Complete String Quartet Works of John Adams
John's Book of Alleged Dances:DogjamFellow Traveler - The Complete String Quartet Works of John Adams
John's Book of Alleged Dances:Hammer and ChiselFellow Traveler - The Complete String Quartet Works of John Adams
John's Book of Alleged Dances:Toot NippleFellow Traveler - The Complete String Quartet Works of John Adams
John's Book of Alleged Dances:Stubble CrotchetFellow Traveler - The Complete String Quartet Works of John Adams
John's Book of Alleged Dances:Pavane (She's so fine)Fellow Traveler - The Complete String Quartet Works of John Adams
John's Book of Alleged Dances:Rag the BoneFellow Traveler - The Complete String Quartet Works of John Adams
Doctor Atomic Symphony - TrinityJJohn Adams: Harmonielehre; Doctor Atomic Symphony; Short Ride in a Fast Machine
Adams: Saxophone Concerto - Mvt. 2: Molto VivoCity Noir
Adams: City Noir - 1. The City & Its DoubleCity Noir
Absolute Jest: IV. Meno mossoAdams: Absolute Jest & Grand Pianola Music
Alarm ClockAmbient Sounds
HippiesPsychedelic Ambient
BookPsychedelic Ambient
Incidental MusicBackground Music
ArousalBackground Music
Mozart EffectBackground Music
RecallBackground Music
Indeterminacy MusicMovie Music