John Adams的歌曲列表
Act I, Scene 1: "The People Are the Heroes Now"Nixon In China
Shaker Loops, for String Septet / III. Loops and VersesJohn Adams - Portrait
John’s Book of Alleged Dances, for String Quartet / DogjamJohn Adams - Portrait
John’s Book of Alleged Dances, for String Quartet / Judah to OceanJohn Adams - Portrait
John’s Book of Alleged Dances, for String Quartet / Ständchen: The Little SerenadeJohn Adams - Portrait
John’s Book of Alleged Dances, for String Quartet / Hammer & ChiselJohn Adams - Portrait
String Quartet IIAdams: Son of Chamber Symphony & String Quartet
String Quartet IAdams: Son of Chamber Symphony & String Quartet
Son of Chamber Symphony IIAdams: Son of Chamber Symphony & String Quartet
Fellow TravellerFellow Traveler - The Complete String Quartet Works of John Adams
Harmonielehre - II. The Anfortas WoundJJohn Adams: Harmonielehre; Doctor Atomic Symphony; Short Ride in a Fast Machine
Doctor Atomic Symphony - PanicJJohn Adams: Harmonielehre; Doctor Atomic Symphony; Short Ride in a Fast Machine
Doctor Atomic Symphony - The LaboratoryJJohn Adams: Harmonielehre; Doctor Atomic Symphony; Short Ride in a Fast Machine
Grand Pianola Music: Part II - On the Dominant DivideAdams: Absolute Jest & Grand Pianola Music
Absolute Jest: V. VivacissimoAdams: Absolute Jest & Grand Pianola Music
Absolute Jest: III. Lo stesso tempoAdams: Absolute Jest & Grand Pianola Music
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