Jerome Kern的歌曲列表
The Right Place for a GirlShow Boat (Original Soundtrack) [1951]
Pagan Love SongShow Boat (Original Soundtrack) [1951]
Can't Help Lovin Dat Man of MineShow Boat (Original Soundtrack) [1951]
You Are LoveShow Boat (Original Soundtrack) [1951]
Life Upon the Wicked StageShow Boat (Original Soundtrack) [1951]
Make BelieveShow Boat (Original Soundtrack) [1951]
You Are LoveShowboat
Can't Help Lovin' Dat ManShowboat
Make BelieveShowboat
Cotton Blossom / Opening Act OneShowboat
Sally: Act II: XXII. "The Butterfly Ballet"Sally
Sally: Act II: XX. "Church ’Round the Corner"Sally
Sally: Act II: XVII. "Rosie, there you are"Sally
Sally: Act II: XV. "The Schnitza-Komisski"Sally
Sally: Act I: X. "Dear Little Girl"Sally
Sally: Act I: IX. "Now what's this?"Sally
Sally: Act I: VIII. "Hello, Sally…Look for the Silver Lining"Sally
Sally: Act I: VII. "Look for the Silver Lining"Sally
Sally: Act I: V. "Joan of Arc"Sally
Sally: Act I: IV."Good evening!"Sally
Sally: Act I: III."Ah, glamourpuss…On with the DanceSally
Sally: Act I: II. "The Nighttime"Sally
Sally: Act I: I. OpeningSally