PunishmentCollection 2
HeavenCollection 2
Against The GrainCollection 2
MugginCollection 2
NighttimeCollection 2
NeedlesCollection 2
I Need YouI Need You
2003 Beat 3My 1st Beat CD: 2003 [ JLOG1C beats ]
Feel So Good (Instrumental)Precious Stones (Instrumental)
Manganese VioletThe Palette
Heisenberg BlueThe Analog Tape 3.1
All the ThingsThe Analog Tape 3.1
DistancesThe Analog Tape 3.1
Brutal MarsThe Analog Tape 3.1
GhostsThe Analog Tape 3.1
Beyond the Infinite Pt. 2 (feat. P.SO & Fresh Daily) (Bonus Track)Digital Society
Etherhorse (feat. Brown Bag AllStars) (Bonus Track)Digital Society
Lights Out Pt. Zero (feat. Skyzoo) (Bonus Track)Digital Society
Still Phenomenal (feat. Sene, Co$$ & Homeboy Sandman) (Bonus Track)Digital Society
Beyond the InfiniteDigital Society
Equilibrium (feat. Digga Jefferson Price)Digital Society
Revolver ChromaticaDigital Society