Igor Stravinsky的歌曲列表
Requiem Canticles (To the Memory of Helen Buchanan Seeger):IX. Postlude
The New Stravinsky
The Nightingale - Musical Fairy Tale in 3 Acts after Hans Christian Andersen:My vse pred toboy
Stravinsky: The Nightingale
The Nightingale - Musical Fairy Tale in 3 Acts after Hans Christian Andersen:Zdravstvuyte!
Stravinsky: The Nightingale
Symphony of Psalms:II. Exspectans exspectavi Dominum
Stravinsky: Symphony of Psalms & Symphony in Three Movements
Symphony in Three Movements:II. Andante - Interlude - L'istesso tempo
Stravinsky: Symphony of Psalms & Symphony in Three Movements
Three Pictures of Chassidic Life for Violin and Piano:III. Simchas Torah (Rejoicing)
Stravinsky: Duo concertant & Pastorale - Bloch: Baal Shem
Le Sacre du Printemps: The Rite of Spring
Stravinsky: Three Great Ballets
Le Sacre Du Printemps: V. Jeux Des Citès Rivales
Le Sacre Du Printemps
Le Sacre Du Printemps: Vi. Cortège Du Sage
Le Sacre Du Printemps
Prelude, Fugue and Riffs: Riffs For Everyone
Urban Classical Music
Rhapsody in Blue
Urban Classical Music
Divertimento from The Fairy's Kiss: II. Danse suisse
Stravinsky: Violin Concerto & Works for Violin and Piano
Suite italienne for Violin and Piano based on Pulcinella Suite: IV. Gavotta
Stravinsky: Violin Concerto & Works for Violin and Piano
Suite italienne for Violin and Piano based on Pulcinella Suite: V. Scherzino
Stravinsky: Violin Concerto & Works for Violin and Piano
In Memorium Dylan Thomas:Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night
Stravinsky - Chamber Works 1911-1954 Conducted by the Composer
Septet:II. Passacaglia
Stravinsky - Chamber Works 1911-1954 Conducted by the Composer
Two Poems of Konstantin Balmont:II. The Dove
Stravinsky - Chamber Works 1911-1954 Conducted by the Composer
Pulcinella - Ballet in One Act for Small Orchestra with 3 Solo Voices after Pergolesi:Presto - "Una te fa la nzemprece"
Stravinsky: Pulcinella
Persephone - Melodrame en Trois Tableaux:II. Perséphone aux Enfers
Stravinsky: Perséphone
Duo Concertant for Violin and Piano:II. Eclogue I
Stravinsky: Duo concertant & Pastorale - Bloch: Baal Shem
Three Pictures of Chassidic Life for Violin and Piano:I. Vidui (Contrition)
Stravinsky: Duo concertant & Pastorale - Bloch: Baal Shem
Petrouchka (complete) [Scene II: Petrouchka's Room]
Stravinsky: Petrouchka, The Rite Of Spring, Etudes
Le Sacre Du Printemps: I. Introduction, Pt. 1
Le Sacre Du Printemps
Le Sacre Du Printemps: II. Les Augures Printaniers
Le Sacre Du Printemps
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