Ian Partridge的歌曲列表
Litaney auf das Fest Aller Seelen, D.343Spirit of Love - Ian Partridge Sings Favourite Songs by Schubert
Schwanengesang, D.957: No. 1, LiebesbotschaftSpirit of Love - Ian Partridge Sings Favourite Songs by Schubert
50 Songs: No. 47, Ihr BildSpirit of Love - Ian Partridge Sings Favourite Songs by Schubert
An die untergehende Sonne in E-Flat Major, D.457Spirit of Love - Ian Partridge Sings Favourite Songs by Schubert
Lachen und Weinen, D.777Spirit of Love - Ian Partridge Sings Favourite Songs by Schubert
An den Mond in F Minor, D.193Spirit of Love - Ian Partridge Sings Favourite Songs by Schubert
Geist der Liebe in E Major, D.233Spirit of Love - Ian Partridge Sings Favourite Songs by Schubert
The little pretty nightingaleJEFFREYS, J.: Vocal Music (Northumberland and Beyond) (I. Partridge, J. Partridge)
It is WinterJEFFREYS, J.: Vocal Music (Northumberland and Beyond) (I. Partridge, J. Partridge)
My little pretty oneJEFFREYS, J.: Vocal Music (Northumberland and Beyond) (I. Partridge, J. Partridge)
Jillian of BerryJEFFREYS, J.: Vocal Music (Northumberland and Beyond) (I. Partridge, J. Partridge)
Stow on the WoldJEFFREYS, J.: Vocal Music (Northumberland and Beyond) (I. Partridge, J. Partridge)
3 Gesänge, Op. 83: No. 3, Mit einem gemalten Band in F MajorBeethoven: Songs
8 Lieder, Op. 52: No. 4, Mailied in E-Flat MajorBeethoven: Songs
A Shepherd In a ShadePurcell in the Ale House - English Part Songs & Lute Songs - Apex
Thinkst Thou KatePurcell in the Ale House - English Part Songs & Lute Songs - Apex
Would You KnowPurcell in the Ale House - English Part Songs & Lute Songs - Apex
Once, Twice, ThricePurcell in the Ale House - English Part Songs & Lute Songs - Apex
I Cannot Come Every DayPurcell in the Ale House - English Part Songs & Lute Songs - Apex
Since Time So KindPurcell in the Ale House - English Part Songs & Lute Songs - Apex
We Cats When AssembledPurcell in the Ale House - English Part Songs & Lute Songs - Apex
Bennett / Arr Brown : Luer falconersPurcell in the Ale House - English Part Songs & Lute Songs - Apex
Little trotty wagtailJEFFREYS, J.: Vocal Music (Northumberland and Beyond) (I. Partridge, J. Partridge)
The Little MilkmaidJEFFREYS, J.: Vocal Music (Northumberland and Beyond) (I. Partridge, J. Partridge)