Henry Purcell的歌曲列表
The Fairy Queen:Act 5 "O let me ever, ever weep" [Soprano]Purcell Essentials
The Fairy Queen:Act 5 "Thrice happy lovers" [Juno]Purcell Essentials
The Indian Queen, Z.630, Act 3:Trumpet OverturePurcell Essentials
Dido & Aeneas:Act 1 "In our deep vaulted cell... Echo Dance of Furies" [Chorus]Purcell Essentials
Dido & Aeneas:Act 2 "But ere we this perform" [First Witch, Second Witch]Purcell Essentials
Dido & Aeneas:Act 2 "The Queen of Carthage" ... "Ho! ho! ho!" [Sorceress, First Witch, Chorus]Purcell Essentials
Dido & Aeneas:Act 2 Prelude for the Witches "Wayward sisters, you that fright" [Sorceress] "Harm's our delight" [Chorus]Purcell Essentials
Dido & Aeneas:OverturePurcell Essentials
Hail! Bright Cecilia, Z.328:XIV "Hail! Bright Cecilia" (Altos, Tenor, Bass, Chorus)Purcell Essentials
King Arthur, Z.628, Act 3:HornpipePurcell Essentials
King Arthur, Z.628, Act 3:"Sound a parley" (Chorus, Cupid, Genius)Purcell Essentials
King Arthur, Z.628, Act 3:"Tis I that have warm'd ye... Tis Love that has warm'd us" (Cupid, Chorus)Purcell Essentials
King Arthur, Z.628, Act 3:Prelude "See, see, we assemble" (Chorus)Purcell Essentials
King Arthur, Z.628, Act 3:Prelude "What ho! thou genius of this isle" (Cupid)Purcell Essentials
King Arthur, Z.628, Act 2:AirPurcell Essentials
Dido & Aeneas:Act 3 "Thy hand, Belinda...When I am laid in earth" [Dido]Purcell Essentials
King Arthur Z628:Act 5 "Fairest Isle" [Venus]Purcell Essentials
Chacony in G minor Z 730Sinfini Music: Best Baroque
Now Does the Glorious Day Appear Z 332:SymphonyMusic to Energise – Classical Music for Your Mind
Dido & Aeneas - Dance - Ritornelle - IntroductionaWedding Classics
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act I: OvertureAnthony Lewis Conducts... Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act II, Scene I: The Cave of the SorceressAnthony Lewis Conducts... Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act II, Scene II: A Grove During the Middle of a HuntAnthony Lewis Conducts... Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act III: The harbour at Carthage - The palaceAnthony Lewis Conducts... Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626