Henry Purcell的歌曲列表
If Music Be the Food of LoveBest Of The King's Singers
Dido and Aeneas Z. 626: When I Am Laid In Earth (Dido's Lament)Pure Diva
The Indian Queen : Act 3 AdagioLullaby Classics
O Sing unto the Lord, Z. 44: Tell it Out Among the HeathenRoyal Welcome Songs for King Charles II
King Arthur Suite: Adagio - Allegro - Adagio - Allegro - Adagio - Adagio - AndanteClásicos Inolvidables Vol. 2, Inglaterra y Escocia
The Fairy Queen:Act 4 "When a cruel long winter" [Phoebus]40 Most Beautiful Winter Classics
Incidental Music, Abdelazer: I. RondeauThe Very Best of Henry Purcell
Thou Knowest, Lord, The Secrets of Our HeartsHenry Purcell - Sacred Music
O God, The King of GloryHenry Purcell - Sacred Music
Beati omnes qui timent DominumHenry Purcell - Sacred Music
Let Mine Eyes Run Down With TearsHenry Purcell - Sacred Music
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: Act V: Monkey's DancePurcell: The Fairy Queen
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act 2: Come All Ye SongstersCome All Ye Songsters
What Hope Remains For Us Now He Is Gone?Thou Knowest Lord, the Secrets of Our Hearts (Funeral Music from 16th and 17th Century England)
Funeral Sentences: I. Man that is Born of a WomanThou Knowest Lord, the Secrets of Our Hearts (Funeral Music from 16th and 17th Century England)
Funeral Sentences: II. In the Midst of LifeThou Knowest Lord, the Secrets of Our Hearts (Funeral Music from 16th and 17th Century England)
Funeral Sentences: III. Thou Knowest, Lord, the Secrets of our HeartsThou Knowest Lord, the Secrets of Our Hearts (Funeral Music from 16th and 17th Century England)
O dive custos Auriacae domus in C Minor, Z.504Thou Knowest Lord, the Secrets of Our Hearts (Funeral Music from 16th and 17th Century England)
May Her Blest Example ChaseMusic of the Kingdom
May She to Heaven Late ReturnMusic of the Kingdom
Beati omnes qui timent DominumMusic of the Kingdom
The Complete Funeral Music for Queen Mary (1695), Order of the Service at The Burial of the Dead - Thou Knowest, Lord, the Secrets of Our HeartsMusic of the Kingdom
RondeauDiscover Purcell
Sound the TrumpetThe Choristers of Canterbury Cathedral