Henry Purcell的歌曲列表
Music for a whileDiscover Purcell
Hear my prayer, O LordDiscover Purcell
I was glad (Anthem for the Coronation of James II, 1685)Discover Purcell
Rejoice in the Lord Alway (Voice)Discover Purcell
SuiteDiscover Purcell
Dido and Aeneas: Duet iz uvodnog dijela Didone i BelindeThe Eternal Orpheus of Varazdin
Dido and Aeneas: Act III, When I am laid in earth50 Greatest Arias
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act III, Scene 2: II. The Sailor's DancePurely Classical: Housework
Dido and Aeneas, Z.626, The Prologue: I. OverturePurcell: Dido and Aeneas, Z.626
Prelude in D Minor for Solo RecorderBaroque Music
Praise the Lord, O JerusalemA Purcell Collection
Evening Hymn - Now That The Sun Hath Veil'd His LightHenry Purcell - Sacred Music
Thou Knowest, Lord, The Secrets of Our Hearts (1695 Setting)Henry Purcell - Sacred Music
Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes meiHenry Purcell - Sacred Music
Hear Me, O Lord, The Great SupportHenry Purcell - Sacred Music
Abdelazar, Z. 570 "The Moor's Revenge": No. 10, Lucinda is Bewitching FairCome All Ye Songsters
In The Midst of LifeHenry Purcell - Sacred Music
Full Anthem "Save Me, Oh God", Z.51Royal Welcome Songs for King James II
A New Scotch Tune in G Major, Z.655Royal Welcome Songs for King James II
King Arthur, Z. 628, Act 5: Fairest IsleCome All Ye Songsters
Suite No. 5 in C Major, Z. 666: II. AlmandPurcell: Les Suites pour Clavecin (A Choice Collection of Lessons for the Harpsichord or Spinnet)
Fairest IsleA Purcell Collection
How Happy the LoverA Purcell Collection
Dido & Aeneas, Z. 626:Act I Scene 1 - Guitars’ ChaconnePurcell: Dido & Aeneas