Giora Feidman的歌曲列表
To My Friend MicheleKlezmer Bridges
SpicyKlezmer Bridges
In Chassidic Mood - 5th MovementKlezmer Bridges
Maya FreilachVery Klezmer
Der Uralte KindernigunVery Klezmer
Babsi's FreilachVery Klezmer
From the ShtetlVery Klezmer
Mamme LoshnVery Klezmer
Nigun GedaliaVery Klezmer
DilugimVery Klezmer
Irish MorningVery Klezmer
The IsraelitesVery Klezmer
Troll's FreilachVery Klezmer
BublitschkiVery Klezmer
Klezmer 26Very Klezmer
AmigosVery Klezmer
Ele Chomdo Libi - Ele Chomdo Libi (May the Heavens Rejoice) - Yossel Yossel: Ele Chomdo Libi - Yismechu Hashamayim (May the Heavens Rejoice) - Yossel YosselKLEZMER Giora Feidman: The Magic of the Klezmer
Ki MizionKLEZMER Giora Feidman: The Magic of the Klezmer
Stempenyu: Stempenyu: Happiness Is A NigunKLEZMER Giora Feidman: The Magic of the Klezmer
With Much SentimentKLEZMER Giora Feidman: The Magic of the Klezmer
Die Yogenish in Fass: Die Yogenish in Fass: FrilingKLEZMER Giora Feidman: The Magic of the Klezmer
The Market Place in JaffaKLEZMER Giora Feidman: The Magic of the Klezmer
HopkeleKLEZMER Giora Feidman: The Magic of the Klezmer
NigunKLEZMER Giora Feidman: The Magic of the Klezmer