George Fenton的歌曲列表
Discovering the CanonFool's Gold [Original Score]
The RobberyMy Name Is Joe
The Team (Personal Question)My Name Is Joe
Cupid's CabinThe Bounty Hunter
What We HadThe Bounty Hunter
Kyle Confronts RachelChina Moon
Body in Pool/ Rachel Returns HomeChina Moon
Rachel in MiamiChina Moon
Damien In Cell With DanThe Wind That Shakes the Barley
Haffinger's (Instrumental)Mary Reilly - Original Motion Picture
"Butler's Night Off" (Instrumental)Mary Reilly - Original Motion Picture
"It Comes in like the Tide" (Instrumental)Mary Reilly - Original Motion Picture
The Choice is OursPlanet Earth (Original Television Soundtrack)
Discovering Deer CavePlanet Earth (Original Television Soundtrack)
IcedCold Pursuit (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
The Funeral - Turning AwayCold Pursuit (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Agent LottoRed Joan (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Good at DrawingRed Joan (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Finding FoodThe Trials of Life (Music of the BBC TV series presented by David Attenborough)
Small BeginningsThe Trials of Life (Music of the BBC TV series presented by David Attenborough)
Discovery Of IndiaGandhi
The Prince RegentMadness of King George [O.S.T]
Sanctis SolemniisShadowlands
As a Boy and as a ManShadowlands