George Fenton的歌曲列表
Rescuing RobertoIn Love & War
In Love and WarIn Love & War
I Got You BabeGroundhog Day
The DealShanghai Vice
Serial KillersShanghai Vice
Beyond the CloudsShanghai Vice
The UniversityRed Joan (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
A School of Five HundredPlanet Earth (Original Television Soundtrack)
The Announcement (Instrumental)Mary Reilly - Original Motion Picture
Surfing PenguinsFrozen Planet (Soundtrack from the TV series)
Flying SouthFrozen Planet (Soundtrack from the TV series)
NarwhalsFrozen Planet (Soundtrack from the TV series)
Elephant Seal DuelFrozen Planet (Soundtrack from the TV series)
Ice SculpturesFrozen Planet (Soundtrack from the TV series)
ExerciseFrozen Planet (Soundtrack from the TV series)
WeaselFrozen Planet (Soundtrack from the TV series)
Winter Sets inFrozen Planet (Soundtrack from the TV series)
Greenland PatrolFrozen Planet (Soundtrack from the TV series)
Kyle's InterrogationChina Moon
ExileStage Beauty
The Walk to Chantelle'sSweet Sixteen, The Navigators, Bread and Roses
The Deep OceanThe Blue Planet: Music From the BBC TV Series
UtopiaEver After:A Cinderella Story (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
You Were Meant for MeObject of My Affection