Lavender Town (feat. James Landino)Halloween
Metroid PrimeSamus & Chill
BrinstarSamus & Chill
Professor Sycamore's ThemeChilltendo 2
Song of StormsChilltendo 2
AgnirathaChilltendo 2
Smash Bros. (feat. Mikel)Chilltendo 2
RidleySamus & Chill
SkyTownSamus & Chill
Ordon VillageChilltendo 2
Kaepora GaeboraChilltendo 2
Refugee CampChilltendo 2
Lost WoodsChilltendo 2
Dire Dire DocksChilltendo 2
Comet ObservatoryChilltendo 2
Kakariko is SavedChilltendo 2
Okami ResetChilltendo 2
Gusty Garden GalaxyGusty Garden Galaxy
Zelda's MedleyZelda's Medley
Lower BrinstarLower Brinstar
Aria of the SoulAria of the Soul
Green GreensGreen Greens
Just PeachyJust Peachy
Hyrule TempleHyrule Temple