Galina Gorchakova的歌曲列表
La forza del destino - Original St.Petersburg version - Act 3:"La vita è un inferno all'infelice"Verdi: La forza del destino (Original St. Petersburg Version)
La forza del destino - Original St.Petersburg version - Act 3:"Attenti al gioco, attenti"Verdi: La forza del destino (Original St. Petersburg Version)
La forza del destino - Original St.Petersburg version - Act 2:"Il santo nome di Dio Signore"Verdi: La forza del destino (Original St. Petersburg Version)
La forza del destino - Original St.Petersburg version - Act 2:"E fermo il voto?"Verdi: La forza del destino (Original St. Petersburg Version)
La forza del destino - Original St.Petersburg version - Act 2:"Son giunta! Grazie, o Dio!"Verdi: La forza del destino (Original St. Petersburg Version)
La forza del destino - Original St.Petersburg version - Act 2:"Sta bene"Verdi: La forza del destino (Original St. Petersburg Version)
La forza del destino - Original St.Petersburg version - Act 2:"Son Pereda, son ricco d'onore"Verdi: La forza del destino (Original St. Petersburg Version)
La forza del destino - Original St.Petersburg version - Act 2:"Viva la buona compagnia!"Verdi: La forza del destino (Original St. Petersburg Version)
La forza del destino / Act 2:"Al suon del tamburo"Verdi: La forza del destino (Original St. Petersburg Version)
La forza del destino - Original St.Petersburg version - Act 2:"Holà, holà, holà"Verdi: La forza del destino (Original St. Petersburg Version)
La forza del destino - Original St.Petersburg version - Act 1:"Vil seddutor!... Infame figlia"Verdi: La forza del destino (Original St. Petersburg Version)
La forza del destino - Original St.Petersburg version - Act 1:"Ah! per sempre, o mio bell'angelo"Verdi: La forza del destino (Original St. Petersburg Version)
La forza del destino - Original St.Petersburg version - Act 1:"Me pellegrina ed orfana"Verdi: La forza del destino (Original St. Petersburg Version)
La forza del destino - Original St.Petersburg version:SinfoniaVerdi: La forza del destino (Original St. Petersburg Version)
The Legend of the invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia / Act 4. Tableau 2:Grishen'ka, khot' slab ty razumomRimsky-Korsakov: The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh
The Legend of the invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia / Act 4. Tableau 2:Budi s nami zdes' vovekiRimsky-Korsakov: The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh
The Legend of the invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia / Act 4. Tableau 2:Otchego u vas zdes' svet velikRimsky-Korsakov: The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh
The Legend of the invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia / Act 4. Tableau 2:Milost' Bozhiya nad toboy, nevestaRimsky-Korsakov: The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh
The Legend of the invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia / Act 4. Tableau 2:Kak po tsvetikam po lazorevymRimsky-Korsakov: The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh
The Legend of the invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia / Act 4. Tableau 2:Tsarstvo svetozarnoeRimsky-Korsakov: The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh
The Legend of the invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia / Act 4. Tableau 1:Interlude part 2Rimsky-Korsakov: The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh
The Legend of the invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia / Act 4. Tableau 1:InterludeRimsky-Korsakov: The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh
The Legend of the invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia / Act 4. Tableau 1:Gospodi IsuseRimsky-Korsakov: The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh
The Legend of the invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia / Act 4. Tableau 1:Kto vkusil ot khleba nashegoRimsky-Korsakov: The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh