Göran Söllscher的歌曲列表
Beatles Concerto:7. Penny LaneGöran Söllscher - From Yesterday to Penny Lane
5 Preludes:No. 2 In EGöran Söllscher - Preludes; Songs; Homages
Siesta del DuendeGöran Söllscher - Preludes; Songs; Homages
12 Etudes, Op.6:No. 11 in E minorGöran Söllscher - Preludes; Songs; Homages
5 Preludes:No. 4 In E MinorGöran Söllscher - Preludes; Songs; Homages
MilongaGöran Söllscher - Preludes; Songs; Homages
Suite for Cello Solo No.1 in G, BWV 1007 - Transcribed for Solo Guitar by Göran Söllscher:2. AllemandeJ.S. Bach: Transcriptions for Guitar Solo
Suite for Cello Solo No.1 in G, BWV 1007 - Transcribed for Solo Guitar by Göran Söllscher:4. SarabandeJ.S. Bach: Transcriptions for Guitar Solo
Suite for Cello Solo No.1 in G, BWV 1007 - Transcribed for Solo Guitar by Göran Söllscher:6. GigueJ.S. Bach: Transcriptions for Guitar Solo
Suite for Cello Solo No.6 in D, BWV 1012 - Transcribed for Solo Guitar by Göran Söllscher:SarabandeJ.S. Bach: Transcriptions for Guitar Solo
Here, There and EverywhereHere, There And Everywhere: Goran Sollscher plays The Beatles
MichelleHere, There And Everywhere: Goran Sollscher plays The Beatles
YesterdayHere, There And Everywhere: Goran Sollscher plays The Beatles
Eleanor RigbyHere, There And Everywhere: Goran Sollscher plays The Beatles
Yellow SubmarineHere, There And Everywhere: Goran Sollscher plays The Beatles
Day TripperHere, There And Everywhere: Goran Sollscher plays The Beatles
Suite in G minor, BWV 996:Praeludio. Passaggio-PrestoBach: 4 Suites For Lute
Suite in G minor, BWV 996:GigueBach: 4 Suites For Lute
Suite in C minor, BWV 997:PraeludioBach: 4 Suites For Lute
Suite in G minor, BWV 995:PréludeBach: 4 Suites For Lute
Suite in G minor, BWV 995:AllemandeBach: 4 Suites For Lute
Suite in G minor, BWV 995:CouranteBach: 4 Suites For Lute
Suite in E flat major, BWV 1006a:Gavotte en RondeauBach: 4 Suites For Lute
Suite in E flat major, BWV 1006a:GigueBach: 4 Suites For Lute